God the Son
GOD THE SON(JESUS) – He became God with us(Emmanuel), our Savior of the World(1 John 2:2). He became flesh and dwelt(John 1:14) among us in human form as a man/God(Philippians 2:5-8). He died on the cross so that we might live(John 3:16).
Upon His death and resurrection, He explained that He was given all authority on Heaven and Earth(Matthew 28:18-20) giving us the authority to “Make Disciples”.
We must recognize, respect, and honor His Sacrifice for the world(1 John 2:2).
We are to trust in God and trust in Jesus.
We can ask for anything in Jesus’ name it will be given to us(John 14:13).
We are “Righteous and Holy” (set right with God if we obey His commandments) because of Jesus(Romans 3:22).
He fulfilled the LAW(Matthew 5:17-20). He only could live according to the Law.
At the moment of His death, the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. Giving all who believe access to the Heavenly Realm(Matthew 27:50-51).