God the Son

GOD THE SON(JESUS) – He became God with us(Emmanuel), our Savior of the World(1 John 2:2). He became flesh and dwelt(John 1:14) among us in human form as a man/God(Philippians 2:5-8). He died on the cross so that we might live(John 3:16).

  • Upon His death and resurrection, He explained that He was given all authority on Heaven and Earth(Matthew 28:18-20) giving us the authority to “Make Disciples”.

  • We must recognize, respect, and honor His Sacrifice for the world(1 John 2:2).

  • We are to trust in God and trust in Jesus.

    • We can ask for anything in Jesus’ name it will be given to us(John 14:13).

  • We are “Righteous and Holy” (set right with God if we obey His commandments) because of Jesus(Romans 3:22).

  • He fulfilled the LAW(Matthew 5:17-20). He only could live according to the Law.

  • At the moment of His death, the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. Giving all who believe access to the Heavenly Realm(Matthew 27:50-51).


God the Father


God the Holy Spirit