Making disciples
Our goal is to follow Jesus’ commands. He tells us that all power and authority in Heaven and earth has been given to Him. He then tells us that with this “power”, we are to go and make disciples of all nations, Baptizing them in the name of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. He wants His disciples to be His witnesses throughout the world as soon as they activate the Holy Spirit dwelling within. He wants us to establish His kingdom here on earth. This often calls for us to spend weeks, months, or even years making discipling individuals. They must allow us to be a part of their lives. They must make the decision to say yes to God and yes to the need for a Savior allowing God to make their lives better. God cannot intercede in a person’s life without their consent; nor can we, help individuals if they do not allow us into their lives.
The making of disciples does not necessarily begin and end in the church. We are often called to go out into the communities as Jesus did. Making disciples will usually start with family, friends, and people we may know. But, we first have to become a disciple(followers of Christ).
Our bible study meets every Thursday at “Mcdonalds” in Norristown on Main and Markley Street. We start at 7:30 pm. At any time we may feed the homeless, pray for others and lead others to Christ. All are welcome to Join. Call Bill at 267-346-2425 for more Details.