William Wadsworth William Wadsworth

Jesus says you must be “born again” to enter the Kingdom of Heaven

Born again of the Holy Spirit

Born Again

Jesus talking to Nicodemus, a pharisee, a member of the Jewish ruling council tells Him that you must be Born Again (John 3:1-8).

1.       Born of water (water baptism) for repentance and forgiveness (Mark 1:2), Matthew 3:11).

John the “Baptizer” was “Filled with the Holy Spirit from birth” (Luke 1:15) and was sent to pave the way for Jesus and the Holy Spirit Baptism.

2.       Born of the Spirit – John tells of being baptized with Holy Spirit (Matthew 3:11).

a.       Jesus was baptized with water and came out of the water and was baptized by the “Spirit of God” (Matthew 3:16).

b.       Jesus visited the disciples after being crucified, buried, and rising from the dead. He appeared to the disciples who were locked behind doors in the upper room for fear of the Jews (John 20:19 – 20),

c.       He showed them His hands and side so they would recognize Him (John 20:20).

d.       ” He breathed on them” and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit(John 20:22).

e.       Jesus appeared to the disciples a week later and they were locked in the upper room for fear of the Jews (John 20:26).

Jesus knew that the disciples had received the Holy Spirit, but the Holy Spirit had not taken over them (Spiritual Baptism). They still had doubts (John 20:24-29). He said to stop doubting and Believe (Acts 1:4). He told them to not leave Jerusalem “Wait for the “Gift” my father promised.

1.       Acts 1:4 - the promise of the Gift (John 14:16) – Counselor, Spirit of Truth

2.       Acts 1:5 - You will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.

3.       Acts 1:8 - You will receive “Power” when the Holy Spirit comes on you.

a.       You will be “witnesses” throughout the world.

4.       Acts 1:9 – Jesus was taken up to Heaven before their very eyes. And they returned to the upper room.

5.       Acts 1:12-14 – They prayed constantly, both men and women

Jesus breathed on the disciples (John 20:22), but until the “Holy Spirit” consumed them at Pentecost where the Holy Spirit filled the room and rested on them and in them as Jesus promised, then they were “Filled with the Holy Spirit” and “Led by the Spirit”.  They were no longer afraid. Peter and the Apostles preached to repent and be Baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins and you will receive the Gift of the “Holy Spirit”. Then they received the POWER of:

·         Boldness: (Acts 4:1-8)

·         Fearlessness: (Acts 4:13-22)

·         Power to Heal (Acts 3:1-9)

·         All on “one Accord” (Acts 4:32)

We can spend our time reading the scriptures for our understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6) or we can give the Holy Spirit permission to consume us, “giving us power” and let Him be our counselor, helper, and teacher; teaching and reminding us of everything Jesus said. (John 14:15-21). This will allow us to live a Spirit-Filled Life, a life Led by the Spirit, an Abundant life (john 10:10).

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